What is a learning culture?

Whether you know it or not, your business has a learning culture. Learning happens in your workplace every day. We’re biologically wired to learn. We can’t stop ourselves. Learning is necessary for survival. It’s a natural instinct. We constantly absorb information, determine what’s important, and decide how to act. Learning experiences happen all around us.

Learning Happens Everyday

Are you tending it?

Are you cultivating it?

Are you driving it?

Transformative learning is the expansion of consciousness through the transformation of worldview and capacities of self. It’s an act of changing how we see and do things.

According to researchers, the three dimensions of transformative learning are:

Psychological: Change In Understanding Knowledge, information, models, and theories shift the learner’s understanding and provide the “why”.

Behavioural: Change In Actions The learner uses observation, application, and experimentation to do something differently.

Convictional: Revision of belief system The learner permanently shifts a perspective or view, often through “Aha!” moment or insight.

Below are the 12 workshop topics that Engine Room

utilises in its several programs.

Energy + Mindset

Eliminating stress and negativity leads to a boost in the productivity of employees. When employees are happy and motivated, they invest greater energy

towards achieving the team and business results.

Positive energy boosts our feelings of well-being, dissolves anxiety and improves communication.

Negative energy results in feelings of discord,

conflict and resentment. Imagine if everyone was aware of the distinction and working towards

growing positive energy and deflecting negative energy.

Every action and word, no matter how small, matters in boosting productivity and performance.

Communication + Working Together

It is said that approximately 70% of our life is spent communicating, and yet hardly anyone has been educated in the 'art' of communicating effectively.

We live in a digital age, when the tools to

communicate continue to emerge - and yet, the breakdown in effective communication is prevalent.

Listening is a powerful skill. Good communicators

articulate well, but are also good listeners. When you listen well, you gain a clear understanding of

another’s perspective and knowledge. Listening fosters trust, respect, and openness. Active listening is a key part of coaching others.

Exceptional Customer Experience

Customer experience (also known as CX) is defined by the interactions and experiences your customer has with your business throughout the entire

customer journey, from first contact to becoming a happy and loyal customer.

CX is about understanding the full experience that the customer has when interacting with your business.

Another 'angle' is to understand that we have internal customers - our colleagues whom we work with to impress the external customers.

We need to provide an exceptional experience for all customers - both external and internal.

Leadership + Driving Change

Leadership is ultimately about motivating people to move from their comfortable status quo position to somewhere new - with an enthusiastic mindset.

There are many leadership styles and each are

effective in the appropriate situation.

Enlightened leaders know of the many leadership styles, and choose the appropriate style suited to the situation that they are in.

Visionary and coaching leadership styles are the two, that when blended, generate the positive,

constructive forces for driving enthusiastic and

motivated change.

Attracting and Maintaining Clients

Focus on building human relationships. The stronger your relationships are, the more likely your customers will be to tell their friends about you. And, the more likely they'll be to come back.

You cannot succeed in the market if you don’t know your customers. Before moving ahead with any plan, it’s helpful to develop a customer persona.

Customer personas are simply a profile of your

company’s ideal customer. Generally three customer

personas is enough to profile approximately 80% of a business's full customer range.

Then it is about storytelling ... metrics and refinement.

Systems Development and
Process Improvement

Most businesses grow ahead of the business

systems. What if you were to now 'backfill' the

business with focused, designed systems -

systems that will set your business up to move to the 'next level' - systems which consistently deliver

higher quality outcomes?

Strong systems that cause less errors and frustration within the business, and more satisfaction for the customers.

What if your business also generated the processes and systems that created the ability, motivation and culture for ongoing process improvement?

Meetings and Financial Dashboards

Effective decision making is key to business success.

So why are so many businesses suffering from poorly run meetings, with the consequences of poor

decision making, misalignment of team members and poor completion of actions?

Effective decisions are dependent upon the quality of the decision and the acceptance of the decision.

So a well run meeting, with the appropriate metrics, is the key to obtaining the alignment of thinking, clear and effective decisions, and enthusiasm and motivation to implement the agreed actions.

The financial dashboard, like the dashboard of an aircraft, must be designed to provide clarity for all

attempting to influence the business 'flight path'.

People Management

In addition to being accountable for financial

success, business leaders are responsible for the

culture they create, the people they have and the motivation levels across their teams. More often than not, they go hand-in-hand. Financial results are a true

consequence of the individual activities that happen every day in an organisation. 

It’s therefore no surprise that effective people

management underpins business success. Creating a people-centric approach requires business leaders to align these values within their business model,

ensuring they are able to achieve the right cultural mix to build high performance and high engagement. 

Adapting to the Future

The pace of change is accelerating, and future

success will rely upon individuals and businesses to adapt quickly to the ever changing environment.

Innovation is all around us and comes in all shapes and sizes. But innovation isn’t just about products. It relates to ideas, methods and processes. 

It’s easy to see innovation as solely sourced from people who are creative and inventive, but we can all be innovative.

Less complex innovation is something all employees across an organisation can contribute to.

Encouraging employees to find ways to do things better, or to approach things from different angles, creates a new source of improvement ideas.

Vision + Action

Most people get busy dealing with the day-to-day activities, and consequently can lose sense of the direction that the activities are taking them.

Knowing where you want to be in 5 years time, provides clarity for what activities are priority and what can be shed or delegated to others.

What if you develop a Business Improvement Plan (BIP) that documents the vision, mission, values of the overall business; and the goals, strategies and

actions for the five 'pillars' of the business. We now have a succinct roadmap that can be shared with others to help reach our desired destination.

Financial Management

Financial management can be confusing for many people, and often business improvement

opportunities are missed due to a lack of financial

literacy and subsequent analysis by the leaders of the business.

Imagine that the financial concepts and principles can be demystified and explained through practical models and case studies.

What results from an increased understanding of

financial management, are powerful insights on how to drive the business forward with greater clarity and effectiveness.

Time + Project Management

"I'm too busy" is the mantra of many people. Yet

being busy is a choice - not a result.

We need to select our priorities with mindfulness and apply ourselves to the priority tasks to achieve the desired results in the available time.

Easy - yes? Well, if it was easy, then the "I'm too busy" would not be such a loud mantra in most businesses.

Imagine the concepts, principles, methodologies, and tools that improves the ability to manage priorities and projects more effectively. To shift the mindset from being reactive to other's 'urgent' requirements, to being proactive regarding our important priorities.