Business Diagnostic
Building a sustainable business requires a balanced approach being applied across all of the business functions of:
- Business Direction,
- Financial Management,
- Systems Development,
- People Management,
- Marketing and Sales, and
- Product/Service Development.
Is your business growing in a balanced manner? Possibly one or more of the above business functions is constraining the growth of the business. This business diagnostic tool is intended to exercise your thinking about which aspects of the business might need some additional energy and focus.
Download the excel spreadsheet and complete the survey - there is one for the business owner and one for the manager.
Click here for google documents.
Below is an example of one completed by a Business Owner.
The tool can be used to gain the perspective of the entire leadership team. Have them all complete it separately using the survey form below by downloading it - then average the results and enter into the spreadsheet.
A graph is automatically generated for the surveys - an example is shown below. The tool is very useful for generating discussion amongst the leadership team regarding what areas of the business need strengthening.